When the drug addict decides to look for help, she arrives at the rehabilitation site with his / her very weakened emotional state, having as characteristics: irritability, aggressiveness, lies, decreased basic care even hygiene, including loss of values, depression, panic syndrome, schizophrenia, among others, needing at this moment all the attention and welcome.
The Essential Factors
A factor of paramount importance for treatment is the well-being of the inmate, who being well with himself, restores self-confidence and succeeds in his recovery. Self-acceptance of help provokes desires for change and liberation, leading you to quit addiction.
- We need to put our trust in it and offer a range of activities so that it can be “rehabilitated”, that is, improve its mental capacities in life, learning, work, socialization and adaptation in the most normalized way possible.
- For this research we use the deductive method, which according to Andrade (2001, p. 131), “deduction is a path of consequences, since a chain of reasoning in descending connection, that is, from the general to the particular, leads to the conclusion ”, That is, starting from theories and laws, comes the prediction of particular events.
The types of research used were: bibliographic research and field research. According to Lakatos and Marconi (1996) “bibliographic research is the survey, selection and documentation of all bibliography already published on the subject being researched, in books, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, monographs, theses, dissertations, cartographic material , in order to put the researcher in direct contact with all the material already written about it ”.
The Field Research
Regarding the field research, Lakatos and Marconi (1996) report that “It is the research that observes and collects the data directly in the place of the fact, being characterized by the direct contact with it, without interference of the researcher, because data are observed and collected as they occur spontaneously.”
- The results show us that the drug addict seeks the clinic driven by the ideal of change, has his entry voluntarily and the time set for recovery is nine months. According to an interview with the clinic coordinator, the dropout rate is large and the number of inmates who finish treatment reaches only 25% of the total, a low but still motivating number compared to state institutions that only add up to 1. %.
Family visits occur once a month and are critical for these inmates to achieve their goals. The clinic works on the principle of faith and states that the first step to successful recovery is “to accept the word of God.”
Last Words
Questionnaires show us that the Drug Rehabilitation Center is extremely important for the recovery of these inmates. The relationship between interns and employees is based on trust, respect, friendship and professional support. During this recovery process lack of family and lack of freedom were cited as difficulties to overcome, while lack of friends is irrelevant. According to the inmates, family support, teachings about life, peace, and God, and the proper therapeutic process are key to complete, satisfying recovery and reintegration into society.