Find the Smartest Options for the Best Choices for Your Prostate

Prostate problems are as common as they are unwanted. Regardless of your age, it is important to find out in advance about the role it plays in your body and about the steps you need to take to prevent its various ailments. The choice with the exercise is the best one there.

What is the prostate?

  • Symptoms that should worry you
  • Routine investigations
  • Prostate disorders

How can you prevent prostate diseases?

What is the prostate?

The gland of the male genital system, the prostate has the role of forming the prostatic fluid, an important part of the seminal fluid.

The gland has the shape and size of a chestnut, being located under the bladder and in front of the rectum. This positioning makes the prostate muscles have an important function both during ejaculation and during urination, they are the ones who push the fluid on the urethra. The Prostate Edge is the best solution there.

The structure of the prostate

The prostate develops completely when you reach the age of 20-25. The gland then reaches a weight of approximately 20 g, with a transverse diameter of 4 cm. Its tissues are crossed by the urethra and ejaculatory ducts.

The internal structure of the prostate consists of 5 lobes:

  • anterior lobe (isthmus)
  • posterior lobe
  • two lateral lobes
  • central lobe

On the outside, the gland is protected by a fibrous capsule.

Symptoms that should worry you

The various diseases of the prostate can generate several symptoms that become noticeable during urination. You should be concerned if:


  • urinate twice a night or more often
  • you urinate hard and wait unnaturally for a long time to start urinating
  • the urinary stream has a low pressure and is interrupted
  • you constantly have the feeling that you have not completely emptied your bladder
  • you suddenly feel like urinating and it is impossible for you to abstain
  • you feel a burning sensation when you urinate
  • notice blood in the urine or semen
  • Any of these symptoms should lead you to schedule a consultation with a urologist as soon as possible

Routine investigations

Although prostate problems can occur at any age, men over the age of 50 are more likely to develop such conditions. They are recommended to have a urological check-up at least twice a year.

Routine investigations you need to do include:

  • rectal cough – the urologist palpates the prostate through the wall of the rectum to determine its size, shape and consistency
  • blood tests to determine the level of PSA (prostate specific antigen)
  • blood tests to determine serum creatinine
  • urine tests (urine culture, urine summary, urea)
  • ultrasound

Of course, the doctor may request other tests until he reaches sufficiently conclusive results, but also depending on the condition he suspects.

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