Modern physical therapy is far more effective and proactive compared to what was commonly accepted twenty or so years ago. The majority of high-quality facilities that provide both inpatient and outpatient physical therapy will adopt an all-encompassing approach to treatment. While the plan will be led by a specific profession from the start through to the end of treatment, comprehensive physical therapy often includes numerous different forms of expertise. Undertaking physical therapy can feel understandably daunting at first – but the good news is that care has never been better.
Initial Consultation
A Physiatrist will lead the treatment and be the primary point of contact throughout the rehabilitative process. They will have considerable expertise and experience in how best to treat the specific ailment(s) and should provide a realistic estimate of how long treatment may take and what is going to be necessary. Needless to say, it is important to allow a degree of flexibility here as people do respond differently to treatments. Good Physiatrists will perform ongoing consultations to discuss how the treatment is going and make alterations when/if needed. Feel free to ask them any questions at any stage – involving the patient as a proactive part of their care is central to long-term success.
Once a treatment schedule has been discussed it’ll then be time to set appointments and discuss care outside of the treatment program. Inpatients will have access to nursing, occupational, and a host of other essential services as they are required. Those visiting outpatient physical therapy centers will need to pay slightly closer attention here and understand that they should raise issues/concerns as soon as they arise. It is not uncommon for people who believe they do not need domestic support to find that they actually do – and that can also serve to substantially enhance the effectiveness of timetabled sessions.
Scheduled Appointments
The Physiatrist will schedule appointments with physical therapists who will look to help with restoring strength, range, mobility, flexibility, and balance as needed. The vast majority of these treatments will be painless and they can involve the use of modern technologies alongside more traditional supported light exercises. It is usual for physical therapists to keep close records on progress and relay this up to the lead Physiatrist for their ongoing review. Depending on the nature of the complaint patients may also be referred to a number of additional services. These could include occupational health, nurses/home help, dieticians, psychologists and many more.
It is important to keep up with scheduled appointments and notify them as far in advance as possible if the patient is unable to attend. Expect physical therapy to also include some degree of further work that can be safely conducted either individually or in partnership at home. Usually, these will include light housework, meal preparation, and so on. Keeping as active as is safely possible is a key aid to effective recovery and something which will almost always be promoted and encouraged.
Conclusion Of Treatment
Much will depend upon the nature of the actual condition when it comes to completing the scheduled course of appointments. It is generally advisable for people who have recovered strength/mobility to still attend occasional follow-up sessions for up to a year after the end of formal treatment. This is especially the case in degenerative and/or long term issues but will again depend upon the nature of the issue. Many patients like to maintain ongoing contact with their care providers in these circumstances so make sure to try and choose the right facility from the start. A rehabilitation center with a good reputation for providing ongoing outpatient rehab is often the best choice.